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The car accident claim process

Understand what to do directly after a car accident

If you are involved in a non-fault accident, following the correct steps will help in making a successful non-fault claim. In order to take the correct steps, it’s important to understand what to do directly after a car accident:

1. Immediately after the incident occurs

  • Stop and switch off the car
  • Inspect yourself and everyone involved for injuries
At the accident scene

2. Contacting emergency services

  • If there are any injuries, call an ambulance for medical assistance
  • Contact the police if there are serious injuries, the road is blocked, or if the other driver seems uncooperative or uninsured.

If you’re unsure whether to call the police or not, see our guide on knowing when to contact the police

Accident details and evidence

Speak to a Non-Fault Claim Specialist

We manage everything on your behalf, ensuring that the claims process is as smooth and stress-free as possible.

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3. Details and evidence

You must exchange information with the other driver(s) involved.

This is also the best opportunity to collect as much evidence as possible for your claim.

Exchange details

  • Driver’s full name
  • Driver’s home address
  • Driver’s telephone number(s)
  • Driver’s insurance company
  • Vehicle registration number
  • Vehicle’s registered owners details (if the driver is not the vehicle owner)
  • Passenger and witness details

Collect evidence

Request a callback
Request a call back

Our team of non-fault claim specialists are ready to answer any questions you have. Provide your details here to request a callback. One of our advisors will call you back as soon as possible. Alternatively, call us on 0330 128 1407 to speak to someone now.

One of our team will give you a call

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