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Welcome to our award winning

Accident Management

Expertly managing non-fault accidents, at no cost to you.
We handle everything from start to finish.

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What is an accident management company?

What is an Accident Management Company?

Why do people choose Accident Management?

Why do people choose Accident Management?

Why is there no cost?

Why is there no cost to using our services?

What is the Accident Management process?

What is the Accident Management process?

We are
Auto Claims Assist

Non-fault accident specialists

We are Auto Claims Assist

Nationwide accident management company

We’re a leading UK Accident Management Company founded in 2009. Our skilled team has over 30 years of experience in the complexities of claims management.

Start-to-finish claims management

Every year we support thousands of people after no-fault accidents. From recovering them at roadside, to returning their vehicles to the road.

Independent, trusted, award-winning

We are dedicated to delivering an exceptional customer experience, so that you can be confident in the fact that your claim is being handled professionally.

Car icon

What is an Accident Management Company?

Accident management companies specialise in supporting people who have had a road traffic accident and were not at fault. The objective of accident management is to reduce the stress, inconvenience and complexities of making a non-fault claim after an accident.

We act as a liaison between all involved parties, including insurance companies, repair garages, and legal entities. As a driver who was not at fault, you are entitled to a range of comprehensive accident management services, at no cost to you.

Services included in Accident Management:

Accident management companies, like Auto Claims Assist, provide a range of comprehensive accident management services:

Vehicle Recovery

Quick and efficient roadside recovery,
at no cost to you.

Learn more >

Claims Management

Professional management of your non-fault claim, from start-to-finish.

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Comparable Replacement

A replacement vehicle to use while yours is off the road, for the full duration of the claim.

Learn more >

Accident Repair

Focused on quality, using only new manufacturer-approved parts & paint.

Learn more >

Personal Injury

Compensation for your injuries and losses caused by the accident.

Learn more >

Why people choose an Accident Management Company

People choose accident management companies because they are the most beneficial option after a non-fault accident.

When involved in such an accident, drivers have two choices: make a non-fault claim through their own insurance company or through an accident management company.

Using their own insurance to claim could negatively impact them.

  • Even though the driver is not at fault, the claim is initially processed against their own insurance policy. This can impact their No Claims Bonus & next insurance renewal.
  • The driver is usually required to pay their own policy excess to claim.
  • The courtesy car provided isn’t comparable to their own vehicle and isn’t guaranteed.
  • The ‘insurer-approved’ accident repairs often don’t meet expectation, prioritising cost over authenticity.

That's where accident management companies step in, providing a fair, more just solution for those involved in non-fault accidents.

Explore the benefits of Accident Management:

No Excess To Pay

No excess to pay

No insurance policy excess to pay to make a claim.

NCB Protection

NCB Protection

Your built up No Claims Bonus is left unaffected.

Comparable Replacement

Comparable Replacement

A comparable vehicle while yours is off the road.

Manufacturer Approved Parts and Paints

BSI Accredited Repair

A nationwide repair network using manufacturer-approved parts and paint.

Non Fault Specialists

Non-fault Specialists

Experts in non-fault claim handling and fighting for liability.

Dedicated Handler

Dedicated Handler

Your own dedicated, non-fault specialist claims handler.


The benefits of choosing an accident management company

Don't pay an excess after a non-fault accident

No unexpected costs after an accident

Being in an accident is stressful enough without also worrying about paying hundreds of pounds in excess fees. With an accident management company, there are no unexpected outlays – that's a problem for the at-fault driver's insurance to handle.

No unexpected costs after an accident

Avoid claiming on your own insurance

If you go through your own insurer after a non-fault accident, you'll likely have to pay your excess upfront. It might take time for your insurer to recover that money from the at-fault party. Our accident management specialists work directly with the at-fault driver's insurer, cutting out the need for this expense and hassle.

Avoid claiming on your own policy

Protect your future premiums

While you might eventually get your excess back, paying it initially can flag your insurance record, sometimes affecting future premiums. By using our service, you avoid this potential long-term cost.

Protect your future premiums

It's not fair to pay for someone else's mistake

If the accident wasn't your fault, there's no reason you should be out of pocket. We take control and work hard to ensure the at-fault driver's insurance covers all your costs. There’s no cost to you when making a claim with Auto Claims Assist.

Paying for someone else's mistake

Avoid waiting for reimbursement

Avoid waiting for your excess to be returned by your insurer: the extra cash stays in your pocket where it belongs.

Avoid paying your excess when you make a non-fault claim.

Call our new claims team on 0330 128 1407 | Start your claim now >

Avoid waiting for reimbursement

The benefits of choosing an accident management company

Leaving your No Claims Bonus unaffected

Your no claims bonus (NCB) stays intact

Avoid unexpected costs and the added stress of NCB concerns. We handle non-fault claims directly with the at-fault driver's insurance to safeguard your earned discounts.

Your NCB stays intact

Insurers prioritise themselves

If you initiate a claim through your own insurer, even for a non-fault accident, it can temporarily flag on your own insurance record and impact your policy’s No Claims Bonus Discount. As non-fault liability has not yet been established, this is your own insurer temporarily holding your own policy responsible for the costs.

Insurers prioritise themselves

Avoid unfair premium hikes

Higher premiums at renewal time due to losing some of your NCB can add up significantly. We prevent this unnecessary cost impact for our clients.

Avoid unfair premium hikes

Expertise matters

Our non-fault claim specialists expertly navigate the claims process while focusing on preserving your own insurance record. We ensure your NCB isn’t affected.

Expertise matters

Make protecting your NCB a priority

Call our new claims team on 0330 128 1407 | Start your claim now >

Get started with your claim

The benefits of choosing an accident management company

A comparable vehicle to use while yours is off the road

Maintain your lifestyle

We understand the importance of your vehicle. Our high-quality replacement cars keep you mobile without compromising on the features and capabilities you value.

Maintain your lifestyle

Minimise disruption

Stay on the road with a vehicle that matches your daily needs for work, family, and other priorities.

Minimise disruption

Insurers focus on cost, not your comfort

After an accident, some people pursue a non-fault claim through their own insurance company. Insurers aim to minimise their expenses, often resulting in basic courtesy cars lacking in features, size, and even availability. We put your needs first.

Insurers focus on cost, not your comfort

Like-for-like, or better

The replacement vehicle that we provide to you while yours if off the road aims to be a like-for-like replacement. The objective is to mirror your own vehicle's spec level as closely as possible, providing comparable comfort and function.

Like-for-like, or better

Focus on what matters, we'll handle the rest

Having an accident is stressful enough. Let us worry about expertly managing your accident while you get back on track.

Focus on what matters

Experience the difference of a comparable vehicle

Call our new claims team on 0330 128 1407 | Start your claim now >

Get started with your claim

The benefits of choosing an accident management company

BSI Kitemark Accredited accident repairs

Worry your car won't be the same?

After an accident, it's normal to have concerns that your car might lose value or never quite feel right again, even after repairs. At Auto Claims Assist, we restore your peace of mind.

Worry your car won't be the same?

The BSI Kitemark: Quality & warranty protection

The Kitemark signifies repairs using the highest quality repair standards. We ensure that only NEW manufacturer-approved parts and paints are used during your repair, upholding your car's warranty and quality.

Quality & warranty protection

Insurers may compromise your warranty

After an accident, some people pursue a non-fault claim through their own insurance company. However, when it comes to the repair of your vehicle, to reduce costs, insurers often push 'insurer-approved repairers'. These ‘insurer-approved repairs’ can use non-genuine parts. If your vehicle is still in warranty, and the manufacturer-approved parts and/or paint aren’t used during a repair, this could potentially void your vehicles manufacturer's warranty.

Insurers may compromise your warranty

Protect your car's value, performance & warranty

Kitemark accredited repairs maintain your car's pre-accident condition, protecting its resale value, driving experience, and those vital warranty safeguards.

Protect your car's value, performance & warranty

It's your right to choose

Don't let your insurer dictate sub-standard repairs. Insist on a provider with Kitemark accreditation for expert restoration that protects YOU by making your claim with Auto Claims Assist.

It's your right to choose

Our 400+ BSI Kitemark Accredited UK repair network

By using our accident management company to process your non-fault claim, you’ll have access to our nationwide network of trusted, BSI Kitemark Accredited, repair experts. Your dedicated claims handler will manage the whole thing for you.

Our 400+ BSI Kitemark Accredited UK repair network

Don’t settle when it comes to your accident repair

Call our new claims team on 0330 128 1407 | Start your claim now >

Get started with your claim

The benefits of choosing an accident management company

A team of non-fault claim specialists

Your non-fault claims specialists

The team at Auto Claims Assist are dedicated solely to non-fault road traffic accidents. This specialised knowledge ensures we secure the best possible outcome for you and your vehicle.

Non Fault Claim Specialists

Expertise and process built since 2009

Non-fault claims involve complex regulations and procedures. Since 2009, we've refined our processes to cover every aspect of our customers' non-fault claims. We continually invest in staying ahead, ensuring you get the best possible outcome. Our experienced team handles every step, from initial assessment to final settlement, ensuring a streamlined and thorough process for you.

Expertise and process built since 2009

Insurers want fast settlements

It's common for people to call their own insurer first after an accident. However, insurers are businesses and keen to close cases quickly. This can lead to low-ball offers, rushed processes, and your specific non-fault situation being overlooked.

Insurers want fast settlements

Proven non-fault claim specialists

Our team at Auto Claims Assist aren’t just claims handlers. We specialise in the complexities of non-fault accidents and have years of experience navigating non-fault claims successfully. This in-depth expertise ensures your case is managed strategically for the best possible outcome.

Proven non-fault claim specialists

We champion your interests

Auto Claims Assist levels the playing field for you. We manage every step of your claim, advocating for your rights and a fair settlement. You're entitled to more than just basic repairs. We ensure claims include everything you’re entitled to.

We champion your interests

Let our non-fault experts handle it from here

Call our new claims team on 0330 128 1407 | Start your claim now >

Get started with your claim

The benefits of choosing an accident management company

A dedicated claims handler

From beginning to end.

With Auto Claims Assist, you’ll receive a dedicated claims handler who will manage your case from start to finish. They’ll provide you with individual attention, regular updates and personalised support.

Dedicated claims handler

You're not just a number

Some people choose to make their non-fault claim with their own insurance company. However, insurance companies juggle countless claims. At Auto Claims Assist, we made it our mission to solve this problem. Your dedicated claims handler focuses on securing the best outcome for you.

You're not just a number

No more call centre runarounds

Dealing with large insurers can be like a maze. You get transferred from agent to agent, with no sense of personal responsibility for your case.

No more call centre runarounds

Your personal claims champion

Your dedicated Auto Claims Assist handler is your champion. They understand the details of your situation and know how to navigate the non-fault claims process and procedures for your benefit.

Your personal claims champion

Consistent communication

With large insurers, getting updates can be a struggle. At Auto Claims Assist, your dedicated claims handler proactively keeps you informed, so you're never left wondering about the status of your claim, repair or next step.

Consistent communication

Expertise on your side

Your claims handler is a non-fault accident specialist. Their deep knowledge of claims procedures and negotiation tactics means your interests are always prioritised.

Expertise on your side

Reduced stress, maximised results

No more repeating your story to strangers or chasing updates. Your dedicated claims handler eliminates the hassle, letting you focus on what matters, while they fight for your liability, entitlements and compensation.

Reduced stress, maximised results

Get started with your dedicated claims handler today

Call our new claims team on 0330 128 1407 | Start your claim now >

Get started with your claim

The better non-fault claim alternative to your own insurance

Some people are under the impression that contacting their insurance company immediately after a non-fault accident is essential. However, when comparing the two available options, Accident Management is the more beneficial choice.

Auto Claims Assist

  • Comparable replacement: We provide a comparable replacement for the full duration of the claim.
  • No policy excess: We do not require an excess to start a non-fault claim.
  • NCB unaffected: We don’t initiate a claim against your own policy, leaving your No Claims Bonus unaffected.
  • Manufacturer-approved parts: Our repair network uses only manufacturer-approved parts and paint during repairs.
  • Dedicated claims handler: You’ll receive a dedicated claims handler to guide you through the full process, start-to-finish.
  • On your side: Our priority is to provide the best accident solution for our customers.

Your own insurance company

  • Standard courtesy car: A standard courtesy car will be provided, but is not guaranteed for the full claim duration.
  • Charged policy excess: Your insurer will charge you your own policy excess to claim.
  • NCB at risk: The claim is raised initially against your own policy, potentially affecting your No Claims Bonus.
  • Insurance-approved parts: Insurance-approved parts and paint prioritise cost saving.
  • Generic call centres: You’re unlikely to speak to the same person again when contacting them and will usually experience long wait times when calling.
  • Cost saving priorities: Insurance companies prioritise cost-saving over customer convenience.

Call our new claims team on 0330 128 1407 | Start your claim now >

Why is there no cost for Accident Management?

One of the key advantages to using an Accident Management Company is that there are no direct costs to the non-fault driver.
The reasons for this are:

We don't claim off your own insurance policy:
Unlike your insurance company, we don't claim against your own policy after a non-fault accident. This means there's no excess to pay when claiming.

We claim all costs from the third-party driver's insurance policy:
All of the costs incurred as a result of the accident are billed to the insurer and policy of the driver who was at fault for the accident. This includes examples such as the hire vehicle and repair costs.

Have more questions?

Call our new claims team on 0330 128 1407 | Start your claim now >

Had an accident?
Make your non-fault claim with Auto Claims Assist

Our team of Accident Management experts are ready to support you after a non-fault accident. To start your claim, fill out the online claims form below to request a call back from one of our team, or give us a call directly on 0330 128 1407.

Request a call back

One of our advisors will call you back. Alternatively, call us now on 0330 128 1407.

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    Understanding the process
    with an Accident Management Company

    How accident management works

    Get to know how accident management streamlines the process after an accident. An accident management company takes a direct approach, handling claims against the at-fault driver's insurance, which can be more beneficial than initiating a claim against your own policy just to start a non-fault claim.

    The step-by-step process

    From the initial report of the accident to the final resolution of your claim, we guide you through each phase, ensuring a smooth and stress-free experience.
    Our process is designed to handle everything for you.

    1. First steps and starting a claim

    The first steps that you take are important. They can dictate how the rest of the claim process will unfold.


    Check for injuries. With any injuries, it's advisable to contact emergency services.


    It's crucial to stay calm and gather all necessary information and evidence.


    After ensuring everyone's safety, assess and confirm that the accident was not your fault.


    Reach out to Auto Claims Assist to begin your non-fault claim.


    We'll initiate your claim by recording all of the accident details.
    A dedicated claims handler will then be assigned to you, managing your claim throughout the process.

    The First Steps Of Starting A Claim
    Recovering You At The Roadside After An Accident

    2. Recovering you at the roadside

    If you are stuck at the roadside after the accident, we will provide accident recovery, at no cost to you.

    Dispatch the recovery team

    Our recovery team will dispatch without delay and arrive at your location.

    Securing your vehicle

    Their first task is to safely secure your vehicle, ready for transfer.

    Accident scene clean-up

    Our team will clean the accident site, collecting any vehicle parts and clearing debris.

    Storing your vehicle

    We will tow your vehicle to the nearest secure facility. Storing it safely until it’s time for repair or salvage (depending on the vehicle’s condition).

    3. A comparable replacement

    Your immediate worry might be, "I’m stuck without a car!". That's where our vehicle replacement service comes in.

    Comparable hire vehicle

    We’ll provide you with a car that is a similar specification to your current vehicle. You shouldn’t go without.

    Delivering to your door

    We deliver the replacement vehicle directly to your door from within 3 hours* of you contacting us.

    Replacement duration

    The hire vehicle is yours to use for the duration of your claim, while your own vehicle is unroadworthy or in for repair.

    End of claim collection

    At the end of the claim, with you back on the road, we’ll collect the replacement directly from you.

    A Comparable Replacement Vehicle
    Repairing Or Replacing Your Vehicle

    4. Repairing or replacing your vehicle

    Our focus after the accident is to arrange the repair of your damaged vehicle or replacement of your written off vehicle.

    Nationwide repair network

    Our network of 400+ repair garages offer local repairs that bypass constraints of busy schedules and long wait times.

    Accredited repairs

    Our repair network is BSI Kitemark Accredited. Repairs use only NEW, manufacturer-approved paints and parts.

    Valuation settlement

    If your vehicle is written off, we fight for a fair pre-accident market valuation and claim settlement.

    Transparent process

    Your claims handler will keep you fully up-to-date about your repair or write-off valuation.

    5. Concluding your non-fault claim

    Your dedicated claims handler will provide guidance and support from the beginning, ensuring a smooth journey all the way to the successful conclusion of your claim.

    Claiming back the costs

    We claim all of the costs back from the third-party insurer. There’s no costs for you.

    Fighting for liability

    Liability is an important part of your non-fault claim. We fight for non-fault liability throughout the process.

    Concluding your claim

    Your claim has been successfully resolved, ensuring you're back on the road with minimal disruption.

    Concluding Your Non-Fault Claims With Auto Claims Assist
    Frequently Asked Questions

    Can’t find the answer you’re looking for here?

    Call our new claims team on 0330 128 1407 | Start your claim now >

    We operate across the entirety of the UK. We are proud to be able to offer nationwide reliable, quick, and convenient accident management services.

    Establishing fault isn’t always clear cut, as sometimes circumstances of an accident aren’t easily definable.

    By gathering evidence at the scene that proves you weren’t the at-fault driver, you have a better chance of proving non-fault.

    If the circumstances surrounding the accident are hard to define with evidence from the scene, establishing non-fault might come down to other evidence like witness testimony or third-party evidence.

    To get a better understanding on handling such situations, you might find it helpful to explore our news and blog. They offer valuable insights and tips on navigating these challenges.

    Strictly speaking, you don’t necessarily NEED to go through accident management, but we strongly advise that you do.

    We specialise in managing non-fault claims after road traffic accidents and have years of quality experience.

    Claiming non-fault through an accident management company is the most beneficial option for you because there’s no need to pay insurance excess or lose your No Claims Bonus, you will quickly receive a comparable replacement vehicle at no cost to you, and there will be no claims against your insurance policy, with all costs covered by the insurance of the at-fault party.

    Yes, we are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority under reference FRN830899.